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Introducing Legacy: Exclusive ProBrewer Discount

Introducing Legacy Tanks:

A New Value Priced Stainless Steel Tank Option Distributed by MARKS!

Click a tank to see more!



Get a quote on a Legacy tank and receive a 50% discount on the purchase of a tank accessory pack!


Conical Fermenter Tank Accessory Pack                  Brite Tank Accessory Pack               

         $500 $250                                                             $660 $330          

Learn more about the partnership

MARKS, a U.S. leader in fabricating custom stainless steel tanks and equipment for the brewery industry introduces its new value priced tank option. If you are looking for conical fermenters or jacketed brite tanks in sizes 1 bbl to 60 bbl, MARKS has an option for you.

Legacy Tanks

Until now, cellar tanks from overseas were a great option to help keep craft brewing costs in line. They often come, however, at the expense of unreliable or long shipment times, very high tariffs, and a lack of service.


Now you can get faster, more reliable deliveries without tariffs with new, North American-made Legacy tanks.

MARKS has created a partnership with Legacy manufacturing to become its sole American distributor of value-priced cellar tanks.

Legacy Manufacturing is a leading stainless steel fabricator located in Mexico.  MARKS worked with the engineers and fabricators at Legacy to create cellar tanks built to our specifications.

MARKS Design and Metalworks Import Distribution

All Legacy tanks are first delivered to MARKS’ facility in the Pacific Northwest for a thorough quality control check. Valves, clamps, and other parts are added and delivered to you from our U.S. facility.

Not waiting for overseas shipments, craft brewers in America can expect faster delivery and zero tariffs. Plus, each delivery comes with MARKS’ promise for help in design, customization, and installation whenever you need it


Read enough? Take a look at the equipment specifics, and request a quote here!


New Legacy tanks are distributed by MARKS.

Working with MARKS to obtain your value priced cellar tanks means:

Value Priced Stainless Steel Tank

  • Tanks are designed to MARKS’ specifications to assure quality of design.
  • All tanks are inspected at MARKS’ facility by our expert craftsman to assure quality of production.
  • Valves and instruments are supplied by MARKS, so getting replacements is easy through our Parts Store.
  • Additional MARKS’ controls and other equipment is available for customizing your brewery.
  • In-house field technicians can help with installation projects.
  • MARKS technical specialists and engineers mean that you always have experts on hand in working through your project.


Contact MARKS for your value priced stainless steel tank needs.

Phone – (360) 859-3535

Email –

MARKS Design and Metal Works and Legacy

Links to the Parts Store and  Equipment store


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