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MARKS’ engineers the best energy-saving craft brewing system in the industry and it’s launching soon! We know that the resources needed to brew a single barrel of craft beer—like electricity and water—can take a serious bite out of your profits. That’s why we’ve spent time crafting a new, energy-saving system that will help reduce your ongoing costs to start up a craft brewery, providing you with greater profits in the long run. Think a cheap overseas solution is best for your craft brewery startup? Think again and learn more about our new EnergyCraft(TM) Brewing System today.

In our earlier blog posts (found below), we clearly identified the energy-sucking problems associated with craft brewing. While it’s a fun and rewarding (ok, and kind of sexy!) business, it’s time to help small business owners everywhere squeeze more profits from this centuries-old craft. Improving the energy-efficiency of craft brewing not only helps increase profits for business owners, but it also has a very positive impact on the environment, too.

Our first blog post noted that securing and analyzing data in your brewing system is a big key to improving its overall energy efficiency.  In blogs 3 and 4, we discussed the importance of understanding and controlling how much energy is required to heat and cool in the brewing process in order to save energy and reduce expenses. What we haven’t told you yet is that there is a solution to all these problems, one we have been working on for some time.

Hopping into craft brewing with lower energy costs

Let’s face it. Craft brewing is super cool. I mean, where else can you roll up your sleeves and create something tasty, bubbly and so socially accepted? But as sexy as this artisan world is, it comes complete with its energy-sucking demons that not only cost you a pile of money but are also bad for the environment. And you know who’s not going to appreciate that? The Gen Zers and millennials who make up the lion’s share of your craft beer drinking target market.

Brewing beer takes an enormous amount of water and electricity to brew a single barrel. In fact, did you know that it takes an average of seven barrels of water to brew just one barrel of craft beer? Craft brewing is a very resource-intensive art. Some may even label it a wasteful one. However, there are things you can do to reduce the waste, the operational costs, and the impact on the environment. But first and foremost, saving on energy costs reduces most of the waste and helps you have higher margins (read “profits”) while doing what you love. Let’s dive into the hidden costs of brewing.

In Part 1 of our series, we looked at how craft brewing energy costs can take a bite out of your profits. In Part 2, we will look at some of the worst energy offenders in the brewing process so you can focus your own time and energy in managing and reducing these costs from the start of your new business. This makes sure you can improve your profit margins and give yourself a bigger paycheck with every barrel brewed.

As we mentioned in Part 1 of this series, according to the Brewers Association and data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the lion’s share of electricity costs in brewing come from refrigeration, packaging and compressed air (some 70%). Refrigeration alone accounts for nearly half of that according to many experts, and so this is your largest area of opportunity for savings.

As you start to plan out your new brewery, there are several important considerations and heat is one of them. Heat plays a particularly important role in the craft brewing process. Every time you heat something up it requires a healthy dose of energy. Cooling things down will then require more energy. How can you do both efficiently?

Saving energy when brewing beer is challenging, especially when it comes to cooling things down. So much energy is required to bring temperatures up and down, it would seem that saving energy is impossible. However, there are crafty ways to do it!

MARKS Design and Metalworks has designed the first and only fully integrated, energy-efficient 5bbl brewing system on the U.S. market. Made in America by American engineers and craftsman, this new system is designed to solve an age-old problem in the craft-brewing industry—saving energy AND operational expenses so you can make a larger profit, all while being kinder and gentler to the environment along the way.

Our earlier blog introduced you to the new EnergyCraftTM brewing system, made in America by American engineers and craftsman. MARKS Design and Metalworks is proud to make the most energy efficient 5bbl brewhouse on the market. You may be asking though, exactly what makes the EnergyCraftTM brewing system so energy efficient? What makes it tick?

All of MARKS’ shop lights are motion activated, leading to considerably less electricity waste.

Reusing is the name of the game. MARKS has not purchased wood, packing peanuts/paper, or boxes in over 5 years. Everything that comes through the door is reused.

After a full day’s work, MARKS sweeps the floor to collect the little particles of stainless steel that have collected on the ground, then sends those sweepings to the recycler. After all, stainless steel is 100% recyclable.

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